For too long, electrolytes have been associated with sports drinks. This gives you the sense that electrolytes are only to be taken before, during or after exercise. Meanwhile, deficiencies in minerals and electrolytes are so common that in some cases, such as magnesium, it’s estimated that over half the population is not obtaining enough from their diet.
This begs the question: why should electrolyte drinks be reserved for sports?
Electrolytes are minerals with an electric charge. We rely on them for pretty much everything, from blood pressure to digestion, blood sugar and energy levels.
And yet, you’d be forgiven for assuming you should take electrolytes only after your spin class - such has been the ferocity of sports drinks marketing over the years.
Oshun is a little different. We chose to create a beautifully simple electrolyte concentrate - not made only for before or after exercise - but to enhance the water you drink from dawn to dusk. To do this we’ve harnessed a natural source of minerals with no added flavours or sweeteners, that you can add to any beverage of your choice, any time of day.
So when’s the best time to take electrolytes?
Alright - we’ll give you a straight answer.
1. Start your electrolytes first thing in the morning. Before your coffee.
This will help replace what was lost through perspiration and breathing through the night. You’ll be amazed at how much this can raise your energy levels, prior to having any food or caffeine. We all know the feeling of needing that first cup of coffee as soon as you get up, but trust us, it's worth taking electrolytes beforehand.
2. Throughout the day, to really optimise your hydration, aim for the following directions:
- Drink filtered water?
Add 2-3 pumps of Oshun per litre in all the water you drink
- Drink mineral or tap water?
Add 1-2 pumps of Oshun per litre in all the water you drink
3. Before bed.
If you tend to wake up groggy, you will benefit from adding a little Oshun before bed - you can even add to to your evening herbal tea. The naturally occurring magnesium will help you on your way to a peaceful and restful night sleep.
How much should you be having?
Depending on your level of activity, environment and current lifestyle, aim for a total of 4-8 pumps of Oshun per day, throughout the day.
Happy hydrating!