Coconut Water vs Oshun Electrolytes

Coconut Water vs Oshun Electrolytes

“Just drink coconut water instead” is a comment we’ve received a few times. We love coconut water and it does indeed share some of the benefits of Oshun. It is, however, a very different proposition. Let’s explore the key differences.

Sugar content

Ever grabbed one of those 330ml cartons of coconut water from the cold drinks aisle? They taste great and are super refreshing. But they also come with 14 grams of sugar. You might say that’s not much – certainly it’s less than a can of cola – but sugar in liquid form gets rapidly absorbed in the body, creating a blood sugar spike.

As an occasional treat? Sure! As a daily hydration solution? Not ideal.

Adding 2 pumps of Oshun to 330ml of filtered water will give you a healthy dose of electrolytes, but none of the sugar.

Electrolyte content

So how does Coconut Water compare to Oshun in terms of electrolytes?

Coconut water is a fantastic source of potassium. It also provides a small amount of magnesium. Potassium helps our bodies to better manage our sodium levels internally – this is one of the main reasons why users of Oshun report improved energy levels. When it comes to coconut water's electrolyte content, unfortunately the list pretty much stops there.

In summary

Coconut water is a great source of potassium and a refreshing beverage. It does come with a sugar “price tag” and won’t deliver much in terms of other beneficial electrolytes. Consider it a great alternative to sodas and other sweet drinks, but don’t rely on it as your primary source of daily electrolytes.

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